Evgg The word tenure is usually associated in universities with job security and professional autonomy. nike air force It is a term familiar in North America, where the notion of a job-for-life for professors who adidas originals damen achieve tenure has come under pressure in recent years, most recently in a legal case in Wisconsin. But across Europe there are a variety of different employment tracks through which academics can reach professor level. I have had the pleasure of working as an academic in three European countries 鈥?Germany, The Netherlands, and the UK 鈥?each of adidas yeezy which highlights some of the alternative options to the tenure-track model in the US. Germany 鈥?a two-class systemIn the 1990s, I began my academic career in Germany 鈥?a country well-known for its strong welfare state tradition and labour protection. In universities things were and still are different. Academics are basically divided into two classes. On the one hand, professors are employed as civil servants of the state and hold tenure as a highly safeguarded employment for life. On the other, there is a much bigger group of junior staff on fixed-term contracts, research grants, fellowships, and part-time jobs. In 2010, 9% of academic staff were professors, 66% were junior staff including doctoral candidates on contracts , and 25% were other academic staff in secondary employment.Permanent positions below the professorial level are rare exceptions. Becoming a professor therefore means a big step up in terms of status and job security Msht As YouGov President Peter Kellner writes below for Channel 4 News, the poll data suggests significant gains for the SNP to the detriment stanley usa of Labour and the Liberal Democrats.YouGov latest poll in Scotland suggests that some Labour MPs, and possibly two Liberal Democrats, might be saved by tactical voting, writes Peter Kellner.Our overall voting kubki stanley figures, published in today Times, indicate a near wipe out. These are based on the conventional way of projecting votes into seats, which is to assume an identical swing to the SNP in every constituency.Read more from Political Editor Gary Gibbon: Scotland - could tactical voting dent SNP s election prospects However, in the same survey, YouGov asked a series of questions for Channel 4 News about tactical voting; and this makes a significant difference.Here are the figures. First, our overall voting intention figures show the SNP at their highest level yet, 49 per cent up 29 points since 2010 , Labour on 25 per cent down 17 , the Conservatives 18 per cent up 1 and the Lib Dems 4 per cent down 15 . Applying those changes, up and down, to each seat, the result would be:We then asked people how they would vote in three separate tactical situations: if they thought the only parties who could win locally were a Labour or SNP, b Conservative or SNP, c Lib Dem or SNP.This is what we found:As those figures show, many voters are willing to vote tactical stanley butelka ly. Almost half of all Conservative and Lib Dem supporters sa |